3dsMAXPlugin 설치 후 VS2010에서 프로젝트 생성 시 VS2010이 다운 되는 현상 발생

해당 현상은 3dsmaxpluginwizard 관련 파일들의 속성이 읽기 전용으로 되어 있어서 발생

  • 3dsmaxPluginWizard.ico
  • 3dsmaxPluginWizard.vsdir
  • 3dsmaxPluginWizard.vsz 

위 세개 파일의 속성에서 읽기 전용을 해제한다.

추가로 maxsdk\howto\3dsmaxpluginwizard 폴더 및 하위 전체 폴더 및 파일의 속성을 읽기전용 해제 한다.

그리고 프로젝트 생성하면 잘 된다.

삽질 4시간...

프로젝트 생성만 20번째 성공...

3ds Max SDK Help 문서에도 나와 있지 않음...


The 3ds Max Plug-in Wizard (commonly called the AppWizard) is an add-in for Visual Studio that builds skeleton plug-ins for 3ds Max. You simply have to specify what plug-in type you would like to build, and follow the directions in the wizard. The wizard generates the Visual Studio project files, the CPP files, and skeleton code with "TODO" comments.

Wizard Installation

Open the 3ds MaxPluginWizard. vsz file (in the maxsdk\Howto\3dsmaxPluginWizard directory root) in a text editor and edit the ABSOLUTE PATH parameter to reflect the new location of the 3dsmaxPluginWizard root directory. Do not add a backslash after the directory name.

Param="ABSOLUTE_PATH = [Absolute Path Location of 3dsmaxPluginWizard Root Directory]"

Copy the following files from the 3dsmaxPluginWizard root to the 'VC\vcprojects' directory under your Visual Studio installation directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 2010\VC\vcprojects):

  • 3dsmaxPluginWizard.ico
  • 3dsmaxPluginWizard.vsdir
  • 3dsmaxPluginWizard.vsz

The 3ds Max Plug-in Wizard project should appear when you restart Microsoft Visual Studio and select File > New:Projects > Visual C++ Projects from the menu. 


장난 쌈치기 하는 것도 아니고...

C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2014 SDK\maxsdk\howto\3dsmaxPluginWizard\readme.txt 에 내용이 나와 있다.




1. Open the 3dsmaxPluginWizard.vsz file (in the 3dsmaxPluginWizard directory root) 

   in a text editor and edit the ABSOLUTE PATH parameter to reflect the new location of the 

   3dsmaxPluginWizard root directory. Do not add a backslash after the directory name.

Param="ABSOLUTE_PATH = [Absolute Path Location of 3dsmaxPluginWizard Root Directory]"

2. The version of Visual Studio you are using will determine what value to use for the 'Wizard' variable 

in the file 3dsmaxPluginWizard.vsz.

For Visual Studio 2010 use: Wizard=VsWizard.VsWizardEngine.10.0

For Visual Studio 2012 use: Wizard=VsWizard.VsWizardEngine.11.0

3. Copy the following files from the 3dsmaxPluginWizard root to the 'VC\VCProjects'

directory under your Visual Studio installation (e.g. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\VCProjects):




If you are using Visual Studio Express Edition, you need to copy the files listed above to 

the 'VC\Express\VCProjects' folder.

4.  Make all files in wizard file folder to be writable and not read only. If this is not done, than visual studio may generate an

error after creating the plugin project.

5.  At this point the 3ds Max Plugin Wizard project should appear under File menu:New:Projects:Visual C++ Projects

in Visual Studio.


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