
19:19 ~ 20:30 (21:17)


Unit 071 ~ 077


고유 명사들 틀린 건 뭐 우리나라 고유명사가 아니니까 천천히 외우면 되고...

여전히 틀리는 부분 관사 (a / the), 단수 복수 (is some)

이게 잘 안 들리기도 하고 그렇다고 하더라도 문장을 보고 골라내야 하는데 아직 연습 부족이다.

이번 유닛에서 집중적으로 틀린 부분

not + anybody / anyone / anything, nobody / no one / nothing

이건 지난번 21회 차에서는 다 맞았던 부분인데...

집중하지 못한 것도 있고, 이상하게 지난 회차에 잘 들리던 게 이번 회차에 잘 안 들리는 문장들이 종종 있다.

물론 지난 회차에 안 들리던 문장이 잘 드리는 것들도 있고...

아직도 연습이 부족해서 틀리는 거라 생각하고 입에 익을 때까지 연습하자.


받아쓰기 틀린 문장들



Unit 071 : the... (names of places)

Quebec is a province of Canada.

Hawaii is an island in the pacific.

The Netherlands

The Philippines

The Atlantic

The Mediterranean

Times Square is in New York.

O'Hare International Airport


Pennsylvania Station.

Carnegie Hall

Pomona College

The Taj Mahal

The Lincoln Memorial


Unit 072 : this / that / these / those

That was a really nice meal. Thank you very much.


Unit 073 : one / ones

Would you like one?

I don't like the black coat, but I like the brown one.

I don't like the red shoes, but I like the green ones.


Unit 074 : some and any

There's some milk in the fridge.

Where's your luggage? I don't have any.


Unit 075 : not + any, no, none

There aren't any cars in the parking lot. There are no cars in the parking lot.

Were there any problems? No, none.


Unit 076 : not + anybody / anyone / anything, nobody / no one / nothing

There isn't anybody in the room, There isn't anyone in the room.

There is nobody in the room. There is no one in the room.

There is nothing in the bag.


Unit 077 : somebody / anything / nowhere, etc.

There is somebody at the door.

There is nobody at the door.

We always go to the same place. Let's go somewhere different.

안정적인 DNS서비스 DNSEver DNS server, DNS service
Posted by 키르히아이스


20:23 ~ 21:21 (22:10)


Unit 064 ~ 070


쉬운 유닛들... 문장 수도 얼마 안 됨

여전히 틀리는 부분은 관사 (a / the), ~ed form

묵음 처리되는 ~ed to 가 안 들린다.

there / their는 문장 상황이 머릿속에 그려져야 하는데 듣고 머릿속에 상황이 바로바로 안 그려지는 문제...

주어라도 보고 뒷 문장에 들아가야 할 부분이 there인지 their인지 빠르게 판단하려면 더 연습을 많이 해야겠다.

졸면서 집중력이 흩어진 것 같다.

잘 듣고 잘 쓰던 going to (gonna)가 갑자기 안 들렸나 보다.

69 유닛에서 going to를 많이 틀렸네...

22 회차 끝나면 틀린 문장들만 따로 모아서 듣고 받아쓰기를 반복적으로 해봐야겠다.


받아쓰기 틀린 문장들

Unit 064 : train(s) bus(es) (singular and plural)

I need a new pair of jeans. or I need some new jeans.

I like the people here. They're very friendly.


Unit 065 : a bottle / some water (count / noncount 1)


Unit 066 : a cake / some cake / some cakes (count / noncount 2)

I read a newspaper, made some phone calls, and listened to some music.

I want to make a shopping list. I need some paper. I need a piece of paper.

They've got some nice furniture in their house.

Lauren has very long hair.


Unit 067 : a / an and the

Is there a hotel near here?

We enjoyed our vacation. The hotel was very nice.

I bought a jacket and a shirt, the jacket was cheap, but the shirt was expensive.

I'd like to speak to the manager, please.


Unit 068 : the...

Do you live near the airport?

The sky is blue, and the sun is shining.

Do you live in a city or in the country?

My brother is a soldier. He's in the army.

What do you think of the police? Do they do a good job?

My house is at the end of this block.

Do you drive on the right or on the left in your country?

What do you use the Internet for?


Unit 069 : go to work, go home, go to the hospital

Bye! I'm going to work now.

What did you learn at school today?

I'm tired. I'm going to bed.

You're not well. Why don't you go to the doctor?


Unit 070 : I like music, I hate exams

I like music, especially classical music.

We had a great meal last night. The fish was excellent.

안정적인 DNS서비스 DNSEver DNS server, DNS service
Posted by 키르히아이스


23:15 ~ 00:03 (01:02)


Unit 057 ~ 063


57 ~ 63 유닛이 듣기 쉬운 구간이구나.

문장도 짧고 빠르게 듣고 받아쓰기 가능한 구간.


그러나 틀린 거 또 틀리고, 또 틀리고, 쉽다고 후다닥 넘어가서 그런가 안 틀리던 것들도 많이 틀렸다.

3인칭 단수 s, 현재 / 과거 (are / were / 're), 복수 앞에 관사 안 붙이기 (not a / the)

묵음 (went in), 연음 (with a / with the), and / when들이 잘 안 들린다.

이건 그냥 연습 부족이다.

입에 붙거나 머릿속에 박혀 있거나 해야 하는데 이건 뭐 아직 익숙하지 않기 때문에 계속 틀리는 거다.

안 들리는 게 아니라 못 듣는 거다.

한 문장을 듣고 문맥으로 바로 캐치해야 하는데 그냥 소리로만 듣고 받아쓰기하려니 계속 틀리는 거다.

소리가 아닌 문맥을 이해하기 위해 연습을 더더더더 많이 해야겠다.


EBS English 회원 가입하고 앱도 설치했다.

영어 책을 읽으면서 큰소리로 말하고 듣고 따라 하기 연습을 시작해야지.

BGIU 가 좋은 책인 것은 분명하지만, 문장들이 제각각이라서 문맥을 파악하기 어려운 부분들이 있다.

모든 문장을 달달달 외우지 않는 이상 나에겐 문맥을 파악하는 게 어렵다.

이런 부분은 영어 책 읽기를 통해서 익혀야겠다.


받아쓰기 틀린 문장들

Unit 057 : I / me, he / him, they / them, etc.

I never go to parties. I don't like them.

We're going to the movies. Do you want to come with us?

Where's the newspaper? You're sitting on it.

Robert needs these books. Can you give them to him, please?


Unit 058 : my / his / their, etc.

Hawaii is famous for its beaches.


Unit 059 : Whose is this? It's mine / yours / hers, etc.

It's their problem, not ours.

We went in our car, and they went in theirs.

I went to the movies with a friend of mine.


Unit 060 : I / me / my / mine.

Do you know that man? Yes, I know him, but I can't remember his name.


Unit 061 : myself / yourself / themselves, etc.

He cut himself with a knife.

She fell off her bike, but she didn't hurt herself.

I went on vacation by myself.


Unit 062 : ~'s (Kate's camera / my brother's car, etc.)

Look at the roof of that building.

We didn't see the beginning of the movie.

You can sit in the back of the car.


Unit 063 : a / an...

Beethoven was a composer.

Picasso was a famous painter.

안정적인 DNS서비스 DNSEver DNS server, DNS service
Posted by 키르히아이스


21:02 ~ 22:23 (23:35)


Unit 050 ~ 056


틀린 거 또 틀리고, 틀린 거 또 틀리고...

안 틀리던 것도 틀리고...

여전히 똑같다.

오늘은 집중했다고 했는데, 쉬운 문장들을 빠르게 넘기려다 보니 틀린 문장들이 많다.

a / the, ~ed form 여전히 틀리는 것들...

~d, ~t 묵음 처리들...

잘 안 들리면 문장을 보고 교정할 수 있어야 하는데 문장을 보고도 교정 안 되는 문법들이 여전히 많다.

안 틀릴 때까지 반복 연습을 하자!!!


받아쓰기 틀린 문장들

Unit 050 : to... (I want to do) and ~ing (I enjoy doing)

It's not very late. We don't need to go home yet.

I tried to read my book, but I was to tired.

Tara suggested going to the movies.

It started raining. or It started to rain.

Would you like to sit down? No, I'd prefer to stand, thank you.

I live in a small town. I'd hate to live in a big city.


Unit 051 : I want you to... I told you to...

Sue asked a friend to lend her some money.

I didn't have my phone whit me, so Sue let me use hers.


Unit 052 : I went to the store to...

Why are you going out? To buy some bread.


Unit 053 : go to... go on... go for... go ~ing

I was very tired and went to sleep early.

When we were in Egypt, we went on a tour of the pyramids.

Workers at the airport went on strike.

The water looks nice. I'm going for a swim.

It's a nice day. Let's go swimming. or Let's go for a swim.

Richard has a small boat, and he often goes sailing.

I went running before breakfast this morning.


Unit 054 : get

I'm sorry your mother is sick. I hope she gets better soon.

Nicole and David are getting married soon.

I got up and got dressed quickly.

I usually get to work before 8:30.

A car stopped and a man got out.


Unit 055 : do and make

What do you do in your free time? Read? Play sports? I make clothes, I make dresses and jackets, I also make toys for my children.

I hate doing housework, especially cleaning.

I have to do four exercises for homework tonight.

I did the laundry, but I didn't do the grocery shopping.

It's late. Don't make any noise.


Unit 056 : have

I have a new car. or I've got a new car.

When I first met Sue, she had short hair.

I had three cups of coffee this morning.

I'm having a bad day. Everything is going wrong. I hope I have a better day tomorrow.

Can we have a discussion about my pay?

안정적인 DNS서비스 DNSEver DNS server, DNS service
Posted by 키르히아이스