출처 : http://www.blizzard.com/support/wow/?id=aww0790p


Are you unable to connect to the game and you are using a firewall, router, or proxy?

Firewalls and routers are designed specifically to control your computer's incoming and outgoing connections. You may need to set up these security features to allow access to the game servers. If these are not set up correctly, the firewall or router may prevent you from connecting to the World of Warcraft/Burning Crusade.

Blizzard does not offer direct support for proxies (Internet connection sharing), firewalls, or routers. The settings provided are suggested settings only. You may need to contact your ISP or network administrator for assistance if you have opened the correct ports but still cannot connect or get others connected to you. It is also recommended that you contact your router manufacturer for updates that may help to resolve some connection issues.

Here are some common questions and answers regarding proxies, firewalls, and routers.

What do I need to know about ports?

Anytime your computer receives incoming data, it is sent to a "port". Your computer has many ports that can receive data, and different activities will utilize different ports.

World of Warcraft and Burning Crusade use the TCP protocol on port

The Blizzard Downloader, which downloads patches, also uses TCP ports
6112 and the range 6881-6999. For walkthroughs on router and firewall configuration you can use the Networking Help for the Blizzard Downloader page.


How are ports restricted when using a proxy, firewall, or router?

Most proxy servers, firewalls, and other Internet connection sharing methods can restrict port access. Your configuration may be restricting packets from "unknown sources". In this case an "unknown source" would be defined as any IP address that you have not initiated the contact with. Once you contact the IP address, your proxy and/or firewall considers it "safe", or a "known source", since you initiated the contact.

How do I configure my Operating System firewall?
Windows XP and Mac OS X ship with firewall services built into the operating system. While these services are disabled by default, if you have turned these services on, you may need to configure these services to allow the game to access the Internet. We have step-by-step instructions for configuring these firewalls to work with the game.

·        Windows XP firewall

·        Mac OS X firewall

Some firewall programs have preset ports available in their configurations that are often necessary to be open. One in particular is a connection to your DNS server. This usually takes place on UDP port 53. Please go to our Port Information page for more information on how to open the appropriate ports for your proxy or firewall.

What do I do if I am still having problems connecting using a firewall, router, or proxy?
If you need further help configuring your firewall, router, or proxy first please try to reset your router and modem by following these instructions here. Afterwards you may need to contact the manufacturer for more specific assistance. 


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