
23:55 ~ 01:04 (01:50)


추석으로 인하여 하루 건너 뜀

어제 못한 것 까지 오늘 두 번 해야 한다.

틀린 문장들 세 번째 받아쓰기.

78개 중 32개 틀림

틀린 것 들만 반복했더니 한 번에 반절씩 줄어드는구나...

하지만 전체를 다시 했을 때도 똑같이 줄어들지는 잘 모르겠다.

BGIU의 문장들 중 일부 문장들의 문법들이 맞는지 의심도 가고, 음성 파일도 문장과 다르게 읽는 것 같다.

BGIU만 공부하다 보니 전체 문맥에서의 문장의 의미들을 이해하는데 어려움이 있다.

특히 상황이 나오지 않고 문법에 대한 설명만 간단하게 되어 있는 문장들...

조금 방향을 바꿔서 상황 속에서 문장들을 이해할 수 있는 영어 동화책 읽기로 공부 방법을 전환해 봐야겠다.

live on the same street 자꾸 live in the로 들림, 이건 아직도 문법이 약한 듯...

How long has she에서 has 잘 안 들림

is / has / was, we're / we were 구분 잘 안됨...

- 문장을 보고 파악해야 하는데 이것도 약함...

a / the 구분 안됨, 둘 다 맞을 수도 있는데 문장 사이에 있는 a / the 가 잘 안 들림

- 계속 틀리면 BGIU 음성 파일 속의 원어민 발음이 안 좋은 것이라 봐야 하나...

went를 계속 when으로 들음...

where를 계속 for로 들음...

- 이건 잘 못 들어도 문장을 보고 파악해야 하는데 여전히 문법도, 독해도 약함...


받아쓰기 틀린 문장들

Liz has short hair now, but it used to be very long.

They used to live on the same street as us, so we used to see them a lot. But we don't see them much anymore.

Vera lives in Brasilia. How long has she lived in Brasilia? She has lived there all her life.

The city has changed a lot.

Are you going to invite Matt to your party?

I'm thirsty. I'd like a drink.

Did it take you a long time to find a job?

Allison said that she was enjoying her new job.

I live in a small town. I'd hate to live in a big city.

Sue asked a friend to lend her some money.

I'm having a bad day. Everything is going wrong. I hope I have a better day tomorrow.

You're not well. Why don't you go to the doctor?

the Philippines

Most of the children at this school are under 11 years old.

Some of us are going out tonight. Why don't you come with us?

We're going away for a few days.

There's a very old church in this town.

The restaurant is more crowded than usual.

Rachel is going to stay in our apartment while we are away.

It's raining, so we're not going out. we'd get wet if we went out.

Emma lives in a house that is 100 years old.

An airplane is a machine which flies.

The bag that he is carrying is very heavy. or The bag he is carrying is very heavy.

They like to eat out on the weekend. or They like to eat out on weekends.

I often fall asleep while I'm reading.

Do you want me to meet you at the train station?

There weren't many people at the party.

Did you stay at a hotel or with friends?

Are you fed up with doing the same thing every day?

I can't find my phone. What happened to it?

Do you like eating in restaurants? Sometimes. It depends on the restaurant.

Do you want to come out with us? It depends where you're going. or It depends on where you're going.

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