
23:30 ~ 00:08


영어 동화책 읽기 공부 방법 다시 정리

  1. 읽으면서 의미 파악하기

  2. 의미 파악한 상태로 들어보기

  3. 다시 한번 들으면서 받아쓰기

  4. 교정하기


계속 뭔가 바뀌는 것 같지만 처음이라서 시행착오를 겪는 거라 생각한다.

BGIU 처음 받아쓰기할 때도 그랬지만...

새로운 방법으로 새로운 시도를 할 때는 초반에 많이 힘들다.

시간도 오래 걸리고, 머릿속이나 귀로도 잘 안 들어오고, 입으로 잘 나오지도 않는다.

그래도 꾸준히 열흘 정도만 하면 공부 방법에 적응되는 것 같다.

지치지 않고 꾸준히 하는 게 중요하다.


시간이 될지는 모르겠지만 부족하다고 느껴지면

영어 동화책 1권 읽기와 VOA Learning English Beginner Level 1

하루에 한강씩 공부하고 받아쓰기도 같이 해보자.


Hands Hold

I see my hands. They hold a doll.

I saw Tomy's hands.

I saw Tommy's hands.

They caught a ball.


Hands Help

I see my hands. They make many things.

I saw Kayla's hands. They held onto the swings.

I see my hands. They clap, clap, clap.

I saw Juan's hands. Folded neatly in his lap.

I saw Juan's hands folded neatly in his lap.

I see my hands. They tie my favorite shoes.

I saw Amy's hands. They held her fork while she ate her food.

I see my hands. They blow a kiss.

I love my hands.


clap (CLAP): Hitting your hands together to make noise.

folded (fohl-dud): When your hands are folded, your fingers are nestled between each other.

kiss (KISS): When you kiss someone, you touch them with your lips to show you are happy to see them.

lap (lap): Your lap is the flat area between your waist and your knees when you are sitting down.


neat (nit): clean and in order; carefully done or arranged

nestle (nesl): to sit or lie down in a warm or soft place

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Posted by 키르히아이스