
21:15 ~ 23:18 (00:05)


Unit 099 ~ 105


개망, 폭망 오늘도 제정신이 아님...

계속 틀리던 관사, ~ed form, 연은 문제가 아니라 이건 심각한 수준이다.

점점 자괴감이 느껴진다.

한계점을 느끼고 한계점을 돌파하고 따위는 사치스러운 얘기이고...

이건 뭐 초등학생 수준도 안 되게 틀리고 있네.

이틀 연속 이러니 여태까지 공부한 게 쓸모없게 느껴진다.

하루하루 나아지고 성장하는 모습이 보이지 않은 지 오래된 것 같다.

이러다 지쳐서 또 포기할 것 같다.

공부하면서 성장하는 걸 느끼고 재미있게 하는 게 아니라 뭔가 그냥 의무적으로 하루하루 때우기 위해서 하는 느낌도 든다.

매일 숙제하는 기분...

의미 없이 시간만 보내는 숙제를 하려고 잠 못 자고 시간 쪼개가면서 공부하는 게 아닌데 말이지...

뭔가 초심을 다시 잡을 수 있는 계기를 만들어야 하나?

동기부여... 집중... 의무적이지 않게...

이틀 연속 이러니 오늘은 정말 모르겠다...


받아쓰기 틀린 문장들

Unit 099 : a person who... a thing that / which... (relative clauses 1)

Jack was wearing a hat that was too big for him. or Jack was wearing a hat which was too big for him.

A thief is a person who steals things.

An airplane is a machine that flies.

Emma lives in a house that is 100 years old.

An airplanes is a machine which flies.


Unit 100 : the people we met, the hotel you stayed at (relative clauses 2)

The bag that he is carrying is very heavy. or The bag he is carrying is very heavy.

Did you find the books you wanted?

We stayed at a hotel. The hotel we stayed at was near the station.


Unit 101 : at 8:00, on Monday, in April

I can't sleep at night.

They like to eat out on the weekend. or They like to eat out on weekends.

The park is beautiful in the fall.

We go on vacation every summer. Last summer we went to Europe.


Unit 102 : from... to, until, since, for

Gary stayed with us for three days.


Unit 103 : before, after, during, while

I fell asleep during the movie.

I often fall asleep while I'm reading.

They watched TV after they did the dishes.

We didn't speak during the meal. but We didn't speak while we were eating.

We played basketball for two hours.

After doing the dishes, they watched TV.

I started work after reading the newspaper.


Unit 104 : in, at, on (places 1)

Milan is in the north of Italy. Naples is in the south.

The car is waiting at the traffic light.

There is a stamp in the envelope.


Unit 105 : in, at, on (places 2)

I read about the accident in the newspaper.

Do you want me to meet you at the train station?

I saw Tom at the doctor's.

There weren't many people at the party.

Does your sister have a job? No, she's still in school. or No, she's still in college.

I met Anna on the way to work. I met Anna on the way home.

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Posted by 키르히아이스


21:00 ~ 22:22 (23:29)


Unit 092 ~ 098


초반 집중력 개판이네...

92 유닛 시작부터 아는 단어 철자도 틀리고, 어제 계속 틀렸던 부분인데 알고 있으면서도 틀리고...

주어 동사 주어 동사... 일반 동사가 나왔는데도 못 알아먹고 있지도 않은 be 동사를 들은 것 마냥 적어놓고...

진짜 개판이다...

무슨 생각으로 받아쓰기한 건지 모르겠다.

그냥 대충대충 했네...

오늘은 시간 낭비했다.

모든 유닛에서 똑같은 실수? 아니지 그냥 실력인가?

146일간 공부한 중에 최악인 듯싶다...

뭐... 그냥... 모든 유닛 모든 문장을 대부분 틀렸네...

더 어이없는 건... 받아쓰기하면서 이번엔 거의 틀린 게 없는데 라는 생각을 하면서 적었다는 거...

앞 뒤 문장 보면서 틀린 거 교정도 하고, 정말 안 들린 몇 문장을 제외하곤 대부분 맞았을 거라 생각했다는 거...

그런데 대부분 틀렸다는 거... 오늘 뭐가 씌었나?

좀 더 집중 하자!!!


받아쓰기 틀린 문장들

Unit 092 : always / usually / often, etc.

Do you often go to restaurants?

I sometimes eat too much.

Don't forget to call Laura. I already called her.

We rarely watch TV. or We seldom watch TV.

Nick is a good swimmer. He also plays tennis and volleyball.

I have three sisters. They all live in the same city.

Where's Laura? She's still in bed.


Unit 093 : still, yet, already

Do you still live in Los Angeles? No, I live in San Francisco now.

She hasn't left yet. She's still here.

I haven't finished my homework yet. I'm still doing it.

What time is Joe coming? He's already here.

I'm going to tell you what happened. That's not necessary. I already know.

Sarah isn't coming to the movies with us. She already saw the film.


Unit 094 : Give me that book! Give it to me!

Did you send a postcard to Kate?

We've seen these pictures. You showed them to us.


Unit 095 : and, but, or, so, because

I bought a sandwich, but I didn't eat it.

It was very hot, so I opened the window.

Joe plays a lot of sports, so he's very fit.

I opened the window because it was very hot.

Because it was very hot, I opened the window.


Unit 096 : When...

When you're tired, don't drive. Don't drive when you're tired.

While I was waiting for the bus, it began to rain. It began to rain while I was waiting for the bus.

He never played football again after he broke his leg. After he broke his leg, he never played football again.

Hannah will be in Mexico when Sarah is in New York.

I can't talk to you now, I'll talk to you later when I have more time.

Rachel is going to stay in our apartment while we are away.


Unit 097 : If we go... If you see... , etc.

If you're hungry, have something to eat.

If the phone rings, can you answer it, please?

What should we do if it rains?


Unit 098 : If I had... If we went..., etc.

If he had the money, he would buy a fast car.

If he had the money, he would buy a car. or He would buy a car if he had the money.

It's raining, so we're not going out. we'd get wet if we went out.

Emily lives in a city. She likes cities. She wouldn't be happy if she lived in the country.

If you didn't have a job, what would you do?

It's not a very nice place. I wouldn't go there if I were / was you.

What would Tom do if he were / was here?

I want to go and see Helen. If I have time, I will go today.

I want to go and see Helen. If I had time, I would go today.

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Posted by 키르히아이스


21:56 ~ 23:06 (23:47)


Unit 085 ~ 091


그나마 쉬운 유닛

하지만, 여전히 틀리는 문장들...

말도 안 되는 걸 틀린 문장도 있다...

무슨 생각으로 듣고 받아 쓴 걸까? 아무 생각이 없었나 보다.

중간에 낀 it을 구글 번역기는 알아듣는데 난 왜 못 알아듣는 걸까...

better than it was

연음 구간...

wanted to

hear the radio : the가 to로 들림...

말도 안 되게 you를 we로 알아듣는 막귀...


우선 세 번은 받아쓰기 한 다음에

틀린 문장들만 정리해서 한 번 쭉 듣고 받아쓰기해봐야지.



받아쓰기 틀린 문장들

Unit 085 : old / older, expensive / more expensive

Is it cheaper to go by car or by train?

Is it more expensive to go by car or by train?


Unit 086 : older than... more expensive than...

The restaurant is more crowded than usual.

The hotel was much more expensive than I expected.


Unit 087 : not as... as

The weather is better than it was yesterday. It isn't as cold.


Unit 088 : the oldest, the most expensive.

What is the most unusual thing you've ever done?


Unit 089 : enough

Is there enough salt in the soup? Yes, It's fine.

We wanted to play football, but we didn't have enough players.

Would you like some more to eat? No, thanks. I've had enough.

You're always at home. You don't go out enough.

Can you hear the radio? Is it loud enough for you?

This sweater isn't big enough for me.


Unit 090 : too

His shoes are too big for him.

I think you work too hard.

She speaks too fast for me to understand.


Unit 091 : He speaks English very well. (word order 1)

Why do you always make the same mistake?

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Posted by 키르히아이스


22:00 ~ 22:59 (23:48)


Unit 078 ~ 084


오늘도 여전히 틀리는 것들 집중적으로 틀림.


관사 (a / the)

여전히 a / the 헷갈리고, a를 붙여야 하는지 안 붙여야 하는지 헷갈린다.

잘 안들 리더라도 문장을 보고 바로 판단해야 하는데 잘 안 된다.

in the class, passed the exam

there's a


전치사 (on, of, in)

문장 안에서 of가 잘 안 들린다.

On Monday


most of the

some of these

in our

some of this

some of us are

how many of these


~ed form는 여전히 잘 안 들리는데 문장 안에서 단어나 느낌을 보고 구분해야 하는데 문장 듣고 판단하는 게 아직도 잘 안 된다.

went to



비슷한 발은 연속으로 올 때 여전히 잘 안 들린다.

didn't eat

us was



초등학생용 영어 동화책 읽기를 하려고 찾다 보니 "EBSe 펀 리딩"이라는 앱이 있다.


등급별로 동화책들이 있고 읽어주기까지 한다.

역시 EBS다...

EBS 가입하고 EBS English 영어 테스트까지 하니 초급 3단계가 나온다.


초급 3단계 동화책을 보니 재미가 없다...ㅠㅠ

그래도 EBS에 있는 모든 책을 다 읽는 것을 목표로 꾸준히 해보자.


받아쓰기 틀린 문장들

Unit 078 : every and all

Every student in the class passed the exam.

All the students in the class passed the exam.

On Monday, I watched TV all night.

I lost my watch. I've looked everywhere for it.


Unit 079 : all, most, some, any, no / none

Most of the children at this school are under 11 years old.

Some of these books are very old.

Most people drive too fast.

All the students in ours class passed the exam.

You can have some of this cake, but not all of it.

Some of us are going out tonight. Why don't you come with us?

How many of these books have you read? None of them.


Unit 080 : both, either, neither

Last year I went to Miami and Seattle. I liked both cities very much.

There are two ways to get to the airport. You can go either way.

Neither of my parents is Canadian.

I haven't read either these books.

Both of Paul's sisters are married. or Both Paul's sisters are married, but Neither of Paul's sisters is married.

Sue and I didn't eat anything. Neither of us was hungry.


Unit 081 : a lot, much, many


Unit 082 : (a) little, (a) few

Excuse me, I have to make a few phone calls.

We're going away for a few days.

There were few people in the theater. It was almost empty.


Unit 083 : old / nice / interesting, etc. (adjectives)

There's a very old church in this town.

I don't speak any foreign languages.


Unit 084 : quickly / badly / suddenly, etc. (adverbs)

I felt nervous.

Ben can run fast.

I went to bed late. I went to bed early.

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Posted by 키르히아이스