
23:30 ~ 01:02 (02:11)


Unit 011 ~ 021


이틀 만에 다시 10 유닛 한다고 집중력이 떨어졌나?

초반에는 틀렸던 문장도 안 틀리고 잘 듣고 받아썼는데 뒤로 갈수록 틀리던 건 계속 틀리고 안 틀리던 문장들도 틀린다.

핑계 대지 말자! 연습 부족이다!!

듣기 말하기가 부족하니 안 되는 거지...

그나마 두 번째 듣고 받아쓰기하는 거라고 공부 시간은 조금 줄었네.

처음 듣고 받아쓰기할 때는 두 시간 걸렸는데, 두 번째라고 한 시간 반에 끊었다.

뭐 점점 듣고 받아쓰기 실력이 늘어나는 것 같아서 기분은 좋다.

22회 차는 7 유닛씩 듣고 받아쓰기 하자!


받아쓰기 틀린 문장들

Unit 011 : worked / got / went, etc. (simple past)

Yesterday it rained all morning. It stopped at lunchtime.

We enjoyed the party last night. We danced a lot and talked to a lot of people. The party ended at midnight.


Unit 012 : I didn't... Did you...?

I played tennis yesterday, but I didn't win.


Unit 013 : I was doing (past continuos)


Unit 014 : I was doing (past continuos) and I did (simple past)

What did he do when his phone rang? He stopped reading and answered his phone.


Unit 015 : I used to...

When I was a child, I used to like chocolate.

Liz has short hair now, but it used to be very long.

They used to live on the same street as us, so we used to see them a lot. But we don't see them much anymore.

Allison used to have a piano, but she sold it a few years ago.

I didn't use to like tomatoes, but I like them now.


Unit 016 : Have you...?

Mary is an interesting person. She has had many different jobs and has lived in many different places.

How many times has Brazil won the World Cup?

Has Michelle ever been to Australia? Yes, once.


Unit 017 : How long have you...?

Vera lives in Brasilia. How long has she lived in Brasilia? She has lived there all her life.


Unit 018 : for since ago

Rachel is in Brazil. She has been there for three days. She has been there since Monday.

Life was very different a hundred years ago.

How long has she been in Brazil? She has been in Brazil for three days.


Unit 019 : I have done (present perfect) and I did (past)

I've decided to quit my job. Really? Why?

They're having a party next week, but they haven't invited me.

I decided to quit my job.

William Shakespeare lived from 1564 to 1616. He was a writer. He wrote many plays and poems.

Does James know that you're going away? No, I haven't told him yet.

Has Nicole started her new job yet? No, she's starting next week.

Silvia has bought a new dress, but she hasn't worn it yet.


Unit 020 : is done, was done (passive 1)

When was the telephone invented?

We weren't invited to the party last week.

Was anybody injured in the accident? Yes, two people were taken to the hospital.

Do you like these paintings? They were pained by a friend of mine.


Unit 021 : is being done, has been done (passive 2)

Somebody has painted the door.

The room isn't dirty anymore. It has been cleaned. The room was cleaned yesterday.

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Posted by 키르히아이스


22:42 ~ 23:09 (23:36)


Unit 006 ~ 010


음... 5 유닛은 정말 얼마 안 걸리는구나...

두 번째 받아쓰기하는 거라 빨라진 걸까?

3 ~ 4 시간 씩 공부하다 한 시간도 안되게 하려니 뭔가 많이 허전하다.

내일은 주말이니 21 유닛까지 11 유닛에 도전해 봐야겠다.

그리고 이후 7 유닛씩 해봐야지...


21회 차 때보다는 틀린 문장이 조금 아주 조금 줄었다.

하지만 여전히 틀리는 문장에서 계속 틀리고, 새롭게 틀리는 문장도 생겼다.

새롭게 틀리는 문장은 정말 집중 안 하고 대충 해서 그런 것 같다.

틀릴 문장이 아닌데도 틀렸다.


시간이 짧다 보니 집중도 잘 못하는 것 같고, 빨리 끝내고 남는 시간에 공부를 하면 모르겠지만 다른 짓을 할 것 같으니 유닛 수를 조금 늘리더라도 공부 시간을 더 확보해야겠다.


받아쓰기 틀린 문장들

Unit 006 : I don't... (simple present negative)

The weather is usually nice. It doesn't rain very often.


Unit 007 : Do you...? (simple present questions)

Do your friends live near here?

How much does it cost to fly to Puerto Rico?


Unit 008 : I am doing (present continuous) and I do (simple present)


Unit 009 : I have... and I've got...

Sarah isn't feeling well. She has a headache. or She's got a headache.

Mariko doesn't have a job right now. or Mariko hasn't got a job right now.


Unit 010 : was / were

He was asleep.

The hotel was comfortable, but it wasn't very expensive.

Was the weather nice when you were on vacation?

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Posted by 키르히아이스


21:24 ~ 22:03 (22:39)


Unit 001 ~ 005


5개 유닛 받아쓰기는 확실히 부담이 덜 하다.

받아쓰고 확인하는데 까지 한 시간 정도 걸렸다.

부담은 덜 하지만 뭔가 3 ~ 4시간씩 하다가 한 시간 하려니 공부를 안 한 것 같은 느낌, 대충 한 느낌이다.

그래도 무리해서 질리는 것보다 이게 나은 것 같다.

한 회차 12일 동안은 가능했지만, 이게 점점 계속되면 집중도 안되고 질릴 것 같았다.

물론 12일간은 3 ~ 4시간이 순삭 당하는 경험을 하긴 했다.


여전히 틀리는 문장들 틀리고 있다.

단어 철자 틀리는 것들, 그리고 단수, 복수 틀리는 것들

그나마 이전 차수에 비해서 틀린 문장이 조금 줄었다.

물론 지난번에 안 틀렸던 문장을 틀린 것도 있지만...

틀린 문장을 최대한 줄이는 것을 목표로 22회 차 달려 보자!!!


다음 차수엔 좀 더 늘려서 7 유닛씩 해볼까...? 이번회 차 마무리하면서 고민하자.


받아쓰기 틀린 문장들

Unit 001 : am / is / are

My father is a doctor, and My mother is a journalist.


Unit 002 : am / is / are (questions)

How's your father?

Are you hungry? No, I'm not, I'm thirsty.

Is your friend Japanese? Yes, he is.

That's my seat. No, it isn't.


Unit 003 : I am doing (present continuous)

She isn't eating.

The children are doing their homework.


Unit 004 : are you doing? (present continuous questions)

Look, there's Emily! Where's she going?

Are you leaving now? Yes, I am.


Unit 005 : I do / work / like, etc. (simple present)

He's eating an ice cream cone.

He likes ice cream.

John has launch at home every day.

We do a lot of different things in our free time.

It costs a lot of money to build a hospital.

Mark usually plays tennis on Sundays.

안정적인 DNS서비스 DNSEver DNS server, DNS service
Posted by 키르히아이스


20:17 ~ 20:49 (21:10)

Unit 111 ~ 113


마지막 유닛들은 내가 집중을 잘했다기보다는 쉬운 문장들이었다.

그나마 많이 틀리지 않았지만, 다음 회차에서는 틀린 문장들을 더 줄여야겠다.

하루에 10 유닛 씩 듣고 받아쓰고 읽기 하는데 굉장히 힘들었다.

하지만 부족한 부분들을 알 수 있어서 좋았던 것 같다.

다만 재택근무로 인하여 출퇴근 공부를 못하는 시간을 보충했었는데, 계속 이렇게 하기엔 너무 힘들고 시간에 대한 압박도 심하다.

우선 다음 회차에는 하루 5 유닛으로 줄이고, 숙련돼서 시간이 줄면 다시 유닛 수를 늘려가야겠다.

BGIU 모든 유닛 문장들을 듣고 바로 알아들으면서 받아쓰기 하나도 틀리지 않을 때까지 반복 예정!


받아쓰기 틀린 문장들

Unit 111 : listen to..., look at..., etc.

When Pat is at work, a friend of hers takes care of her children.

Nick is thinking of buying a new car.

Way are you looking at me like that?

Do you like eating in restaurants? Sometimes. It depends on the restaurant.

Do you want to come out with us? It depends where you're going. or It depends on where you're going.


Unit 112 : go in, fall off, run away, etc. (phrasal verbs 1)

Kate opened the door of the car and got in.

Tom has gone away for a few days.

We went out for dinner and then went back to our hotel.

We went for a long walk. After an hour we turned around and went back.


Unit 113 : put on your shoes, put your shoes on (phrasal verbs 2)

Those are my keys on the floor. Can you pick them up for me?

I read a letter and then put it back in the envelope.

안정적인 DNS서비스 DNSEver DNS server, DNS service
Posted by 키르히아이스