
20:05 ~ 21:52 (22:42) : 23:21


Unit 021 ~ 030


10 유닛 받아쓰고 읽기 약 2시간, 받아쓴 문장 맞는지 체크하면서 다시 읽기 약 1시간

10 유닛 하는데 세 시간이 후딱 지나가는구나...

음... 5 유닛으로 줄여야 하나...;;;

일단 하는데 까지 해보고 너무 힘들면 줄여야겠다.

동영상 강의는 당분간 그만 들어야겠다.

그냥 듣기만 하고 따라서 말하기 연습이 안되다 보니 집중력이 떨어진다.

유튜브 강의들 찾아보고 따라 할 수 있는 영상으로 공부해야겠다.


받아쓰기 틀린 문장들

Unit 021

Somebody has painted the door.

The room isn't dirty anymore. It has been cleaned. The room was cleaned yesterday.


Unit 022

These offices aren't cleaned every day.

These houses were built 100 years ago.

How was the window broken?

Tom has never ridden a horse.

Does Gabriela live alone?


Unit 023

Nick studied engineering in college.

I have lived here for 10 years.

Somebody has broken this window.


Unit 024

They are playing tennis.

Are you meeting your friends tonight?

Lisa isn't coming to the party next week.

What time are you leaving?

What time does your plane leave?


Unit 025

What are you going to wear to the wedding next week?

Are you going to invite Matt to your party?

I am playing tennis with Julia tomorrow.


Unit 026

My suitcase is heavy. I'll carry it for you.

I can't decide what to have for dinner. I know! I'll make spaghetti.

We're going to the movies on Saturday. Do you want to come with us?


Unit 027

When is Rebecca going to call you? I don't know. She might call this afternoon.

Buy a lottery ticket. You might be lucky.

I'm playing tennis tomorrow. I might play tennis tomorrow.

Rebecca is going to call later. Rebecca might call later.


Unit 028

I can play the piano. My brother can play the piano, too.

I'm having a party next week, but Eric and Rachel can't come.

I had a party last week, but Eric and Rachel couldn't come.


Unit 029

It's evening, and you haven't eaten anything all day. You must be hungry.

My brother has worked at your company for years. You must know him.

Miguel takes the bus everywhere. He must not have a car.

You must eat well if you want to be healthy.

They're in a dangerous situation. They must be careful.

In the United States, you must be 18 to vote.

They were in a dangerous situation. They had to be careful.

We had to wear safety glasses when we visited the factory last week.

Bicyclists must not ride on the sidewalk.


Unit 030

It's a good movie. You should go and see it.

I should study tonight, but I think I'll go to the movies.

It's very warm in this room. Should I open the window?

What should we have for dinner?


01강 요약

문장 만들기에 초점을 둠

S + V


문장에서 가장 뼈대가 되는 verb

verb 사용법에 대해서 학습


noun을 중심으로 영어답게 생각하는 것


have pp, 문장의 틀을 잡는 것 : 첫 달

a / the, preposition : 둘째 달

안정적인 DNS서비스 DNSEver DNS server, DNS service
Posted by 키르히아이스


13:45 ~ 15:41 (17:20) : 20:01


Unit 011 ~ 020


공부 방법을 바꾸니까 역시나 공부 시간이 겁나게 늘어났다.

주말에야 시간을 좀 더 내서 공부한다지만, 평일엔 퇴근하고 시간이 부족할 것 같다.

그래도 목표 분량은 꼭 하도록 하자.

점점 익숙해지면 시간이 단축되는 것을 경험했으니 이번에도 익숙해질 때까지 초반 힘든 부분만 넘기면 된다.

받아쓰기의 물리적 시간 때문에 안 되려나?

21 회 차에도 연습 문장 푸는 것은 패스...

받아쓰기가 익숙해진 이후에 연습 문장 풀기를 시작해야겠다.


받아 쓰기 이틀 했지만 하면서 좋은 점

1. 문장을 반복해서 들으니 듣기 연습이 많이 된다.

2. 받아쓰기하면서 잘 모르던 단어 철자 및 문법에 맞게 쓰는 것들을 익숙하게 한다.

- 문장이 잘 안 들리더라도 받아쓰기하다 보면 이 문장에선 이런 문법으로 써야지 라는 걸 생각하게 된다.

- 단수, 복수, ed, ing, have pp 등

- 받아쓰기하면서 문법적으로도 잘 모르는 전치사들 어떤 것을 붙여야 하는지 틀린 문장 확인하면서 교정


받아쓰기가 시간은 많이 걸리더라도 우선 긍정적인 부분들을 봤으니 익숙해질 때까지 계속 반복 하자.


받아쓰기 틀린 문장들

Unit 011

They watch TV every night.

I brush my teeth every morning. This morning I brushed my teeth.

Yesterday it rained all morning. It stopped at lunchtime.

We enjoyed the party last night. We danced a lot and talked to a lot of people. The party ended at midnight.


Unit 012

We went to a nice restaurant, but we didn't enjoy the meal.


Unit 013

In 2009 we were living in Japan.

I work up early yesterday It was a beautiful morning. The sun was shining and the birds were singing.


Unit 014

It didn't rain while we were on vacation.


Unit 015

Dave used to work in a factory. Now he works in a supermarket.

When I was a child, I used to like chocolate.

Liz has short hair now, but it used to be very long.

They used to live on the same street as us, so we used to see them a lot. But we don't see them much anymore.

Allison used to have a piano, but she sold it a few years ago.

Where did you use to live before you came here?


Unit 016

Mary is an interesting person. She has had many different jobs and has lived in many different places.

How many times has Brazil won the World Cup?

Has Michelle ever been to Australia? Yes, once.

My sister has never traveled by plane.


Unit 017

Vera lives in Brasilia. How long has she lived in Brasilia? She has lived there all her life.

I have a car. How long have you had your car? I've had it since April.

David is watching TV. How long has he been watching TV? He's been watching TV since 5:00.


Unit 018

Rachel is in Brazil. She has been there for three days. She has been there since Monday.

David has been in Canada since January.

When did Tom leave? Ten minutes ago.

Life was very different a hundred years ago.


Unit 019

They're having a party next week, but they haven't invited me.

I decided to quit my job.

Her English has improved. It's pretty good now.

The city has changed a lot. It's very different now.

William Shakespeare lived from 1564 to 1616. He was a writer. He wrote many plays and poems.

Silvia has bought a new dress, but she hasn't worn it yet.


Unity 020

Was anybody injured in the accident? Yes, two people were taken to the hospital.

I was born in Colombia in 1995.

Do you like these paintings? They were painted by a friend of mine.


39강 요약

and로 이어지는 문장들 맨 마지막에만 and를 넣어 줌

주어가 반복되면 생략

He doesn't like her, and she doesn't like him.

- 주어가 다르면 전부 다 써 줌

- 다른 주어로 다른 문장이 시작되면 ,를 붙여 줌

or에 ,를 붙임

리스트를 나열할 때 ,를 붙임

so에 ,를 붙임

문장에서 한 번 쉬어 갈 때

because 앞에는 , 가 없음 : 이유를 설명하기 때문에 쉬지 않고 바로 이어서



0. When S ~ , ~ / S ~ / S will ~

- 슈퍼 가면~

- 갔을 때

- When you go to the supermarket, They will be handsome man.

1. If S ~ , ~ / S ~ / S will ~

- 갈지 안 갈지 모르지만 간다면~

- 일어날 수도 있고 안 일어날 수도 있고

2. If S + ed , S would ~

- 상상에서 가능한 것들 ed사용

- 안 일어나는 것

- If I had a millionaire, I would bought a expensive car.

- 바라는 것

3. If S + had pp, S + would ~ / would have pp


If I knew the answer.

If I didn't have a car.


40강 요약

리스닝, 리딩

- 바로 듣고 이해하고, 바로 보고 이해하는 리딩, 리스닝

- 복잡한 문장에 대해서


내가 열심히 공부 안 했더라면 내가 여기 없었을 거야 : 상상하는 것

If I didn't study very hard, I wouldn't be here.


I met a woman.

She can speak 6 languages.

- I met a woman that / can speak 6 languages.


that : 범용적

who : 사람

which : 사물


Kim took pictures.

Did you see the pictures.

- Did you see the pictures (that / which) Kim took?

- that 뒤에 S + V 가 오면 that 생략 가능


We stayed at a hotel.

It was near the station.

- The hotel (that / which) / we stayed at was near the station.

- 끊어 읽기는 that까지

- a hotel 이 겹치는 것이지 at까지 겹치지 않음

- at을 빼먹지 말고 꼭 챙겨야 함

- at을 앞으로 뺄 수 있음 : which 생략 불가 : that 사용 불가

- The hotel at which we stayed was near the station.

안정적인 DNS서비스 DNSEver DNS server, DNS service
Posted by 키르히아이스

야나두 장학금 4단계 도전 완료!

60일간 하루도 빠지지 않고 야나두 강의 듣기 성공.

장학금 5단계 마지막까지 지치지 않고 집중력 잃지 않고 꾸준히 도전하자.

30일 남았다!

회사를 다니다보니 많은 시간을 공부할 순 없지만 꾸준히 집중해서 공부하자!


'영어 Study' 카테고리의 다른 글

야나두 장학금 도전 5단계  (0) 2020.09.29
야나두 장학금 도전 3단계  (0) 2020.07.31
야나두 장학금 도전 2단계  (0) 2020.07.16
야나두 장학금 도전 1단계  (0) 2020.07.09
안정적인 DNS서비스 DNSEver DNS server, DNS service
Posted by 키르히아이스


18:47 ~ 21:05 : 22:27


Unit 001 ~ 010


21회 차 시작!

오늘부터 음성파일 듣고 받아쓰기 10 유닛씩 진행.

한 번에 듣고 받아쓰기는 힘들고...

같은 문장 반복적으로 들으면서 받아쓰기 진행

한 번 듣고 한 번에 받아 쓸 수 있을 때까지 반복 예정.

10 유닛 하는데 한 문장당 평균 3~4번 정도 듣고 받아 쓰기 하는 것 같다.

문법공부를 하고 있는데도 불구하고, 듣는 걸 받아 쓰다 보니 문법이 틀린 부분들, 그리고 단어를 놓치는 부분들이 꽤 된다.

문법과 리스닝을 확실히 잡고 가자.


받아쓰기 틀린 문장들

Unit 001

My father is a doctor and my mother is a journalist.

I'm tired, but I'm not hungry.

These flowers are nice, and they aren't expensive.

James isn't a teacher. He's a student.

Here's your key. Thank you.


Unit 002

Am I late? No, you're on time.

Is your mother home? No, she's out.

Are your parents home? No, they're out.

These shoes are nice. How much are they?

What's your phone number?

Where's Emily?

Who's that man?

Are you hungry? No, I'm not, but I'm thirsty.

Is your friend Japanese? Yes, he is.

Are these your keys. Yes, they are.

That's my seat. No, it isn't.


Unit 003

She's eating.

They're running.

They aren't walking.

The children are doing their homework.

Look, there's Sarah. She's wearing a brown coat.

Where are the children? They're playing in the park.


Unit 004

Why are you wearing a coat? It's not cold.

What's Eric doing? He's studying for his exams.

What are the children doing? They're watching TV.

Look, there's Emily! Where's she going?

Is he working today? Is Ben working today?

Where are they going? Where are those people going?

Are you living now? Yes I am.

Is Ben working today? Yes, he is.

Is it raining? No, it isn't.


Unit 005

He's eating an ice cream cone.

He likes ice cream.

Emily lives in Houston. Her parents live in Chicago.

We do a lot of different things in our free time.

It costs a lot of money to build a hospital.

Sue always gets to work early.

I sometimes walk to work, but not very often.


Unit 006

We don't watch TV very often.

I don't like Josh, and josh doesn't like me.

Sometimes hi is late, but it doesn't happen very often.

I don't like to wash the car. I don't do it very often.

Sarah speaks Spanish, but she doesn't speak Italian.


Unit 007

Do your friends live near here?

How much dose it cost to fly to Puerto Rico?


Unit 008


Unit 009

Sarah isn't feeling well. She has a headache. or She's got a headache.

They like animals. They have a horse, three dogs, and six cats.

It's a nice house, but it doesn't have a garage.

or It's a nice house, but it hasn't got a garage.

Does Jennifer have a car? Yes, she does.

Has Jennifer got a car? Yes, she has.


Unit 010

He was asleep.

Where is Kate? Where was Kate yesterday?

Last year Rachel was 22, so she is 23 now.

When I was a child, I was scared of dogs.

We were hungry after the trip, but we weren't tired.

The hotel was comfortable, but it wasn't expensive.

Was the weather nice when you were on vacation?

Why were you late this morning?


37강 요약

전치사 : 명사를 문장에 더해주기 위한 접착제

- 시간 / 공간 개념으로 확장해 왔음

in the hospital : 의료 서비스를 받는 개념 the


to : 동사 : 움직임이 있는 애들 ~~ 로

~~ from ~~ to : ~~부터 ~~ 로

get to

arrive in / at

- in : 동네

- at : 조금 더 구체적 station


on : 일정, 명단, 표면에 닿는 개념

- on TV

- on the radio

- on the phone


at : 숫자에는 at을 씀

by : ~에 의해서 : 수단 : 교통수단

on the bus : 버스를 타는 것

by bus : 수단으로의 버스 : 교통수단 개념


도구는 with

자르는 주체는 by : 가위는 도구 자르는 건 내가

cut the paper with the scissors


38강 요약

방향 : to

겨냥 : at


throw ~ to : 그쪽 방향으로 던지는 것

throw ~ at : 겨냥해서 던지는 것


from : ~로부터 : 원래 있는 걸 밝혀주는 것


A is different from B

A is different than B도 사용하지만 from을 더 많이 사용


I went to the store for some bread



afraid of

- 뭔가 외부의 영향을 받아서 무서워지는 것

- 무섭게 한 것보다 받은 대상이 중요한 것

- 대상을 밝혀주기 위해 of사용

- 동사가 아닐 경우 of를 사용해서 대상을 밝혀줌

- 나는 무서워 : 뭐가? of dog


full of

- 채워지는 대상

- room is full of people


You are kind

It's kind of you : 친절해 뭐가? 대상 you


for : 걔에 대해서

I'm sorry for her.


hear : 들으려고 노력 안 해도 들리는 것

listen to : 들르려고 노력해야 들리는 것 : 방향 개념

see : 노력 안 해도 보이는 것

look : 집중해서 보는 것


Thank you for gift

Thank you for helping me


put it on

bring them back


bring : 원래 있던걸 가져오는 것

take : 없는 걸 가져오는 것

안정적인 DNS서비스 DNSEver DNS server, DNS service
Posted by 키르히아이스