출처 : http://code.google.com/p/android-ui-utils/

WARNING: These utilities are currently in beta. Please file bugs!

UPDATED: Updated icon templates and Asset Studio for Android 2.3

Utilities that help in the design and development of Android application user interfaces. This library currently consists of three individual tools for designers and developers:

1. UI Prototyping Stencils

A set of stencils for the Pencil GUI prototyping tool, which is available as an add-on for Firefox or as a standalone download.

To install, simply drag each .zip file from your downloads folder into Pencil.

Pencil 1.2 and Firefox 3.5 or later are required.

2. Android Asset Studio

Try out the beta version: Android Asset Studio (shortlink: http://j.mp/androidassetstudio)

A web-based set of tools for generating graphics and other assets that would eventually be in an Android application's res/ directory.

Currently available asset generators area available for:

  • Launcher icons
  • Menu icons
  • Tab icons
  • Notification icons

Support for creation of XML resources and nine-patches is planned for a future release.

3. Android Icon Templates

A set of Photoshop icon templates that follow the icon design guidelines, complementing the official Android Icon Templates Pack.

See also this blog post introducing this project and the demo video below:

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Posted by 키르히아이스